Site News Sperm Donation

Introducing the Donor Privacy Initiative

Americans believe in privacy. On any poll that relates to the topic, no matter how the question is phrased, large supermajorities of over 70% agree about its importance.

Most sperm donors, particularly those who donated decades ago, were promised lifetime anonymity. The decision they made to donate was based on that promise. Yet modern DNA test kits have allowed the curious genetic offspring of sperm donors to play detective and find out the identities of people they would never have been able to through any legal channels.

I think that most Americans, if they stopped and thought about this issue for a minute, would agree that something isn’t quite right about this.

I have a story that is soon going to be told and I hope it brings people around to a different point of view.

One reply on “Introducing the Donor Privacy Initiative”

Thank you for sharing your story. Your journey was helpful in changing my perspective. So often we hear about the rights of the donor conceived, without thought given to the potential impact on the donor. I hope you are able to eventually repair the damage that has been done to the relationship with your mother. Thanks again for sharing and creating a space for additional dialogue.

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